owned this note
**[Helmholtz AI](https://www.helmholtz.ai/) townhall meeting**
27 February 2023 - online event
**Purpose of this notepad**
The townhall meeting is a great opportunity to engage. This notepad serves to collect questions openly before the event. We aim to answer as many questions during the event. If you wish to leave your name, please do so (see first question as an example); __if you wish to ask anomymously, that's also fine.__
* [Christoph Feest, Helmholtz AI] When will we know if we can go ahead with the proposals from the future concept?
* [Christoph Feest, Helmholtz AI] I have an AI-related story, but the PR team at my center is not interested. Would Helmholtz AI consider it for a news item?
* [Christoph Feest, Helmholtz AI] When will the Helmholtz AI project call open in 2023?
* [Christoph Feest, Helmholtz AI] Where will the next AI consulting roadshows happen and how can I engage with the consultants?
* [Christoph Feest, Helmholtz AI] Will there be focus countries in future project calls?
* [Helene Hoffmann, Helmholtz AI] How transparent will the decision **process** about the future of Helmholtz AI be (meaning not only the final decision but also how it was made)?
* later in summer this year --> a report might be circulated
* we might not want know all the political details
* we should not be worried
* [Helene Hoffmann, Helmholtz AI] As I am part of a local unit, I am wondering what exactly the roles of the Helmholtz AI central unit and the scientific director are.
* [Helene Hoffmann, Helmholtz AI] What kind of feedback mechanisms are established between local units, head unit and scientific director?
Many questions came through the chat ...
14:23:24 From Angela Jurik-Zeiller To Everyone:
14:23:44 From Angela Jurik-Zeiller To Everyone:
If you have questions you can post it in here as well
14:23:50 From Angela Jurik-Zeiller To Everyone:
or directly in the chat
14:26:41 From Fabian Theis To Everyone:
happy to discuss in chat, good point Guido
14:30:21 From Guido Juckeland To Everyone:
@Fabian: What can all of us (inside and outside of Helmholtz AI) do to help advocate the future proposal for the platform? Also, I understood Helene’s questions a bit in the direction of, how we can work on steering the decision process of what components (1. Continue, 2 add consultants, 3. Add Ph.D.s) to implement by influencing the decisions of the center heads?
14:31:05 From Helene Hoffmann To Everyone:
What exactly are „Helmholtz AI associates“?
14:31:38 From Timm Schoening (GEOMAR) To Everyone:
Hi Fabian, thanks and congrats for the outstanding evaluation results! You mentioned there is a recommendation that the consulting units should be strengthened - which is great news! In 2018 it was put in the H.AI proposal that additional units should also be considered in the future and that there should be some dynamics much as with the HYIG groups. Is that still a line of discussion?
14:32:13 From Fabian Theis To Everyone:
Replying to "@Fabian: What can al..."
ah ok! IMHO very simple: continue top research and advertise results. AND talk to center leadership and show usefulness + impact. and if you don't think it's useful let us know where issues are
14:33:21 From Fabian Theis To Everyone:
Replying to "What exactly are „He..."
(Helmholtz) PIs working in AI, which find platform interesting and could help support+grow it
14:33:54 From Helene Hoffmann To Everyone:
Replying to "What exactly are „He..."
OK, thanks
14:35:12 From Fabian Theis To Everyone:
Replying to "Hi Fabian, thanks an..."
good point - dynamics is there, HYIG groups will be done anew when first finish. additional units were discussed w HGF but for now not pursued to give a bit more time beyond 3 years for implementation.
14:35:51 From Timm Schoening (GEOMAR) To Everyone:
Reacted to "good point - dynamic..." with 👍
14:38:45 From Martin Dyrba To Everyone:
Thank you for planning a combined day together with Helmholtz Imaging as I see there is a lot of overlap between both platforms… It took me some time to realize that I have to register for both newsletters to get all information.
14:39:56 From Angela Jurik-Zeiller To Everyone:
Yes, we also think that this is a great opportunity to bring together both communities :-)
14:43:53 From Fabian Theis To Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you for planni..." with 👍
14:43:55 From Martin Dyrba To Everyone:
Could you provide some examples of consulting projects? Are they more from the applied AI domain or also on methods/workflow development? How much own AI experience do we have to provide?
14:47:14 From Frank Bradke To Everyone:
Cool, Peter, when are you coming to the DZNE in Bonn?
14:47:35 From Frank Bradke To Everyone:
…for the road show?
14:48:18 From Lara Urban To Everyone:
I unfortunately have to run, but very well done, All, and great talk Peter!
14:48:18 From Marie Piraud To Everyone:
Cool, Peter, when are you coming to the DZNE in Bonn?
April 25th ;-)
14:48:32 From Christoph Feest To Everyone:
Reacted to "Cool, Peter, when ar..." with 😎
14:48:41 From Frank Bradke To Everyone:
Excellent, thanks
14:48:45 From Frank Bradke To Everyone:
Reacted to "Cool, Peter, when ar..." with 😎
14:49:12 From Guido Juckeland To Everyone:
Replying to "Cool, Peter, when ar..."
Even though Peter=Marie for this show :-)
14:49:22 From Fabian Theis To Everyone:
Replying to "Could you provide so..."
as user you come with your domain problem/data etc and you work with AI consultant to help design & pot implement an analysis/model etc
14:50:52 From Guido Juckeland To Everyone:
Replying to "Could you provide so..."
@Angela: Are we also sharing some voucher spotlights (similar to the project spotlights)? Maybe this would also be helpful for people like Martin, to get a better understanding, what the consultants do and where they can help...
14:56:19 From Angela Jurik-Zeiller To Everyone:
Replying to "Could you provide so..."
At the conference? We were planning a consultant help booth but can discuss this for the program of the sessions as well
14:57:37 From Stefanie Kunkel To Everyone:
Hallo an alle, am Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS, ehemals IASS), neuer Teil des Helmholtz-Zentrums Potsdam, möchten wir uns künftig stärker Fragen rund um "nachhaltige KI" widmen. Konkret wollen wir aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive, gemeinsam mit KI-Wissenschaftler*innen und anderen Praktiker*innen, erforschen, wie KI-Systeme hinsichtlich ihrer sozialen und ökologischen Auswirkungen optimiert werden können. Wohin können wir uns für potenzielle Partner-Institute zu diesem Thema wenden? Falls jemand aus der Runde Interesse hat, schreibt uns gern: stefanie.kunkel@rifs-potsdam.de, https://www.rifs-potsdam.de/de/forschungsgruppe/digitalisierung-nachhaltigkeit
14:58:11 From Guido Juckeland To Everyone:
Replying to "Could you provide so..."
I was more thinking along the line of twitter stories/news posts you did for all the projects during the second half of last year. I know that not all partners are open to share their voucher requests, but asking maybe does not hurt.
14:59:06 From Angela Jurik-Zeiller To Everyone:
Replying to "Could you provide so..."
Yes, we are planning a consultant series with introducing the consultants and their expertise and examples
14:59:25 From Guido Juckeland To Everyone:
YES, see that consultants also as a science parship around AI :-)
14:59:45 From Guido Juckeland To Everyone:
They can connect you to others within Helmholtz.
14:59:49 From Stefan Kesselheim To Everyone:
Parship is not for free :-)
15:00:04 From Guido Juckeland To Everyone:
15:00:10 From Frank Bradke To Everyone:
Thanks a lot! This was helpful and interesting.